February 23, 2022

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

February 23, 2022
February 23, 2022

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

The world's most successful organization began with a hybrid model — a distributed workforce — that was given the responsibility to reach the entire world. The organization is more than an example, it is The Way.

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The world's most successful organization began with a hybrid model — a distributed workforce — that was given the responsibility to reach the entire world. The organization is more than an example, it is The Way.

Imagine you work for the world's most successful organization and you have a meeting with the founder. The founder is the most influential person who ever lived. The founder gives you a charge (a job) to go recruit and train more members for the organization. The founder promises to be with you wherever you go — you have 24/7 access to him. Once you introduce the organization and founder to others, the founder promises to be completely accessible to you and also completely accessible to the new recruits as you train them in The Way to go.

The founder explains that the original strategy was much more than a hybrid work model. The original strategy was a model capable of using an unlimited combination of gifts, interests, and locations for advancement of the mission. This model not only encouraged work from home, but saw working from home as an excellent tool to reach neighborhoods, cities, broader regions, and even the world.

As the founder asks, “Are you ready?” You remember your local community has problems and the country is a mess. You explain that people don’t get along anywhere. You go on to tell the founder that you don’t agree with the government policies and politics locally, regionally, and especially not nationally. You also remind him there are wars and rumors of wars everywhere. 

The founder reminds you that he is taking care of all your concerns and the unrest in communities, cities, regions, and the world can actually help recruit people. He reminds you not to get distracted by these things. 

You're not quite convinced that you want this job even though you agreed to it when you became a member of the organization. Therefore, you politely protest with a series of “but, what about…” to stall until you are more comfortable with your assignment. 

But, you want a more detailed job description 

The founder says, “Yes, I’ll give you everything you need to complete the mission.” He reminds you that the organization is not just looking for members; instead, everyone who joins has a role to play in recruiting new members. He gives you the job description and even a diagram to better understand your responsibilities. 

The job description explains three major responsibilities: 

Communicating – to communicate the truth, core beliefs, facts, brand promises, evidence of benefits, product knowledge and case studies of the organization. Communicating your own case study is a key to success. 

Caring – to care deeply about the needs of those around you – including potential members and those who have indicated they want to join. To sacrifice your own wants and desires for their benefit, and to train them in The Way to go. To help them know the founder well and then to point them to the founder as the ultimate benefit. 

Modeling – to do things the way the founder did them (of course, not perfectly). Demonstrating to your family and neighborhood — as well as recruits and new members in the city, region, and world — the strategies, practices, processes, and skills that help them thrive.

The founder reminds you that he has done all these things perfectly, and this gives you the power, purpose, and example to go and do likewise. 

The founder clarifies that a key thing to demonstrate to others is how you use your unique gifts, talents, and circumstances to serve the mission of the organization. 

But, you want a situational analysis

He gives you the current situation and makes clear that growth and utilization have been slowed locally and nationally. It’s clear from the information that less people are joining the organization in your local area and region. One chart even shows a steady decline in both the number of members who share their gifts with others and those who rely on the founder.

The key problem seems to be that both recruits and members believe they can enjoy the benefits of the organization without knowing and relying on the founder. They want the gifts and resources that the founder freely gave them for their own purposes — even for purposes they invent. This misuse of gifts leads to further decline in understanding the benefits of the organization.

You are saddened by these facts because you see this reality playing out every day in your community. 

The founder encourages you that global growth is up and the statistics in almost every other part of the world are proving The Way works. Utilization and sharing The Way with others is clearly increasing. 

On reflection, you're not surprised. You are reminded how the founder already assured you that victory was certain, that he completed all the required work for your benefit, and eternal lifetime membership was assured. 

But, you want more help

The founder explains how he is the main source of help. He tells you that he made everything you can see and all of it serves to guide and remind you of the 24/7 access you have to him. 

Additionally, he explains three other types of help.

The Good Book - the 66 chapter description of how the founder made everything, cares for everyone, and is full of fulfilled promises and promises yet to be fulfilled. 

Other members - true friends know The Way and have strengths, weaknesses, gifts, talents, and resources designed to complement yours. You can tell a true friend by one who gives up and points you and others to the founder. 

Outposts – a fellowship of members who gather each week to remember with gratitude all the founder has done. The participation in the gatherings and praise to the founder for his perfection helps remind us of all his benefits. 

The founder reminds you that — while the outpost is one of the best designs for filling up on truth and encouragement — if an individual outpost grows too large, you could get trapped in serving and supporting the outpost location over the mission of the larger organization and over recruiting and training new members. 

But, you want defined strategies 

The founder gives four highpoints of the organization's strategy:

Fruitful Multiplication — expanding your personal family and adopting a broader community whom you will later call sister and brother. This includes inventing creative solutions to what the recruits and members need, as well as aligning all resources under the founder of the organization.

Follow to Lead — following the founder with all your heart, soul, and mind is the number one way to succeed. 

Caring for Others — looking out for your neighbors and those around you is the best way to recognize the founder and help others know him. 

Work and Recreation — a pattern of doing all your work in six days and resting on the seventh day gives proper recognition to the founder and shows new recruits and members the founders intentional design for all. 

The founder warns you that some strategies like family, work, and recreation can easily distract and lead people away from the good and perfect mission of the organization. 

But, you want to know the pitfalls of the strategy with today's culture

  • Be defensive against culture and seek to dominate the culture.
  • Seek purity from culture and withdraw from the culture.
  • Compromise with culture and be assimilated to the culture.

The founder points you back to the job description and reminds you that by engaging the culture and seeking the good of all of those you come in contact with, you act as salt and light. Being salt and light is winsome to new recruits and trainees in your home, neighborhood, city, region, and the entire world.

He reminds you one more time, as the conversation comes to a close, that he has all authority and power, and you are to go and do what he commissioned and equipped you to do — complete the mission — remembering that he is always with you. 

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”. - Matthew 28:18-20

Are you ready?



How To Reach The West  - https://redeemercitytocity.com/reachthewest

Howard Graham
Howard Graham
Executive Director

The world's most successful organization began with a hybrid model — a distributed workforce — that was given the responsibility to reach the entire world. The organization is more than an example, it is The Way.

Imagine you work for the world's most successful organization and you have a meeting with the founder. The founder is the most influential person who ever lived. The founder gives you a charge (a job) to go recruit and train more members for the organization. The founder promises to be with you wherever you go — you have 24/7 access to him. Once you introduce the organization and founder to others, the founder promises to be completely accessible to you and also completely accessible to the new recruits as you train them in The Way to go.

The founder explains that the original strategy was much more than a hybrid work model. The original strategy was a model capable of using an unlimited combination of gifts, interests, and locations for advancement of the mission. This model not only encouraged work from home, but saw working from home as an excellent tool to reach neighborhoods, cities, broader regions, and even the world.

As the founder asks, “Are you ready?” You remember your local community has problems and the country is a mess. You explain that people don’t get along anywhere. You go on to tell the founder that you don’t agree with the government policies and politics locally, regionally, and especially not nationally. You also remind him there are wars and rumors of wars everywhere. 

The founder reminds you that he is taking care of all your concerns and the unrest in communities, cities, regions, and the world can actually help recruit people. He reminds you not to get distracted by these things. 

You're not quite convinced that you want this job even though you agreed to it when you became a member of the organization. Therefore, you politely protest with a series of “but, what about…” to stall until you are more comfortable with your assignment. 

But, you want a more detailed job description 

The founder says, “Yes, I’ll give you everything you need to complete the mission.” He reminds you that the organization is not just looking for members; instead, everyone who joins has a role to play in recruiting new members. He gives you the job description and even a diagram to better understand your responsibilities. 

The job description explains three major responsibilities: 

Communicating – to communicate the truth, core beliefs, facts, brand promises, evidence of benefits, product knowledge and case studies of the organization. Communicating your own case study is a key to success. 

Caring – to care deeply about the needs of those around you – including potential members and those who have indicated they want to join. To sacrifice your own wants and desires for their benefit, and to train them in The Way to go. To help them know the founder well and then to point them to the founder as the ultimate benefit. 

Modeling – to do things the way the founder did them (of course, not perfectly). Demonstrating to your family and neighborhood — as well as recruits and new members in the city, region, and world — the strategies, practices, processes, and skills that help them thrive.

The founder reminds you that he has done all these things perfectly, and this gives you the power, purpose, and example to go and do likewise. 

The founder clarifies that a key thing to demonstrate to others is how you use your unique gifts, talents, and circumstances to serve the mission of the organization. 

But, you want a situational analysis

He gives you the current situation and makes clear that growth and utilization have been slowed locally and nationally. It’s clear from the information that less people are joining the organization in your local area and region. One chart even shows a steady decline in both the number of members who share their gifts with others and those who rely on the founder.

The key problem seems to be that both recruits and members believe they can enjoy the benefits of the organization without knowing and relying on the founder. They want the gifts and resources that the founder freely gave them for their own purposes — even for purposes they invent. This misuse of gifts leads to further decline in understanding the benefits of the organization.

You are saddened by these facts because you see this reality playing out every day in your community. 

The founder encourages you that global growth is up and the statistics in almost every other part of the world are proving The Way works. Utilization and sharing The Way with others is clearly increasing. 

On reflection, you're not surprised. You are reminded how the founder already assured you that victory was certain, that he completed all the required work for your benefit, and eternal lifetime membership was assured. 

But, you want more help

The founder explains how he is the main source of help. He tells you that he made everything you can see and all of it serves to guide and remind you of the 24/7 access you have to him. 

Additionally, he explains three other types of help.

The Good Book - the 66 chapter description of how the founder made everything, cares for everyone, and is full of fulfilled promises and promises yet to be fulfilled. 

Other members - true friends know The Way and have strengths, weaknesses, gifts, talents, and resources designed to complement yours. You can tell a true friend by one who gives up and points you and others to the founder. 

Outposts – a fellowship of members who gather each week to remember with gratitude all the founder has done. The participation in the gatherings and praise to the founder for his perfection helps remind us of all his benefits. 

The founder reminds you that — while the outpost is one of the best designs for filling up on truth and encouragement — if an individual outpost grows too large, you could get trapped in serving and supporting the outpost location over the mission of the larger organization and over recruiting and training new members. 

But, you want defined strategies 

The founder gives four highpoints of the organization's strategy:

Fruitful Multiplication — expanding your personal family and adopting a broader community whom you will later call sister and brother. This includes inventing creative solutions to what the recruits and members need, as well as aligning all resources under the founder of the organization.

Follow to Lead — following the founder with all your heart, soul, and mind is the number one way to succeed. 

Caring for Others — looking out for your neighbors and those around you is the best way to recognize the founder and help others know him. 

Work and Recreation — a pattern of doing all your work in six days and resting on the seventh day gives proper recognition to the founder and shows new recruits and members the founders intentional design for all. 

The founder warns you that some strategies like family, work, and recreation can easily distract and lead people away from the good and perfect mission of the organization. 

But, you want to know the pitfalls of the strategy with today's culture

  • Be defensive against culture and seek to dominate the culture.
  • Seek purity from culture and withdraw from the culture.
  • Compromise with culture and be assimilated to the culture.

The founder points you back to the job description and reminds you that by engaging the culture and seeking the good of all of those you come in contact with, you act as salt and light. Being salt and light is winsome to new recruits and trainees in your home, neighborhood, city, region, and the entire world.

He reminds you one more time, as the conversation comes to a close, that he has all authority and power, and you are to go and do what he commissioned and equipped you to do — complete the mission — remembering that he is always with you. 

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”. - Matthew 28:18-20

Are you ready?



How To Reach The West  - https://redeemercitytocity.com/reachthewest

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